Nourish Love as the strongest power, connection, appreciation in Life

This is "Relationship book with Goddess and God within me and outside of me." Part 4 (?)

I chaotic rhythm of life another part of my book got born. I wish it will help us all <3 ( the live video what I made as a support for this text )  

Recently, I work on the de-programming aspect of myself with re-programming subliminal affirmations while I sleep. I highly recommend this method.  

This inspired me one day with the practice what I would like to share with you to empower your life. Every morning I take time before I stand up from the bed and I meditate in a relaxing way on the question:
How I can love my self better today? What I can do to love myself today? 

As from relationship with Clara, last year, I learned that the main purpose of life and tantra is learning, improving, how to love yourself and others better.

What I can do accordingly to the current (or every) situation in life?

I can be bluntly transparent without waiting for a better moment, someone readiness ( who I'm to judge about this? ) or other excuses. 

Learning to love more unconditionally: What could be a better, more challenging situation than supporting you both in your relationship? Learning from being happy for you, even you choose someone other than me and something other than living with me.

It's easier to let go to your daughter because to love our children we are conditioned to love them more unconditionally. We knew that one day, we would have let them go without attachments. 
It's more difficult to let it go like this to the Love of your life. This we would love to keep, to hold on. We are attached so much to this. But as I'm teaching at my workshops: The strongest challenge – the bigger growth. So let's go for it 🙂

I did this before. What is the difference now? 

I know 3 answers

When you're praying for something, the God, Goddess, Divine, Universe, Love (whoever, whatever you're praying to) have three answers:
1. Yes
2. Not yet
3. Wait. I have something better for you

Knowing that doing good things create a good life, heaven on Earth and happy proud conscience.

Knowing that impossible may happen in an unexpected way, I know that I just have to keep on loving and doing good things. 

Good luck in everything you do <3 

Let me know when you digest it, how do you feel about it, what do you think about?  

Michal Kali Griks

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