Become Supreme Lover for yourself and partner
One of the aspects of Conscious Relationship is to aim for the best connection within yourself, for yourself, for your partner, for all.
What is the best connection?
It’s a connection on as many levels possible in most profound deep way possible.
Usually, we think about Supreme Lover. Yes?
And what does it mean?
It is not just the person who would give us the best, tantric, long-lasting, energizing, loving orgasms. However, this is fundamental aspects in a healthy Conscious Relationship, and we are teaching you this, Tantric Love is not only about this.
We are expecting from this conscious level of love, our partner to be also our best Friend, maybe the one who would play the role of the father or mother figure or whoever else person, the role is needed at the moment to heal our wounds, to liberate ourselves from the conditioning, to expand in Love and grow in Ecstasy.
We would like that she/he would be a God-like figure. But, is it not too much to expect from a human being? Maybe that’s why people invented a God because no one could live up to such high expectations?
It helps us to believe that there is someone there, who may love us so perfectly as only God could do. I wish this would support us to heal our wounds.
Some of the more mystical and more spiritual teachings and religions already pointing into the direction of finding God within us.
This is what Conscious Relationship is also about.
Be the God-like figure for ourselves, be this Supreme Lover what you’re expecting from someone else. Love yourself the way how you would like to be loved.
And guess what?
As more God-like, you would be for yourself, as more love you would give to yourself, as more this would reflect on the outside world.
You want to change the world, start from yourself.
You want to become healer, heal yourself first.
Become your own Supreme Lover and God-like figure. First for yourself, but then you would be able to apply those supreme characteristics to your partner and all.
When you would learn to look at yourself compassionately, when you would understand that you’re not guilty of being conditioned the way you’re, when you would forgive yourself, when you understand yourself, you will see that those conditions are not you, that you even didn’t choose for them, that you may free yourself from those “chains”.
With your healing, liberation, Love, Friendship and Freedom, you would inspire the others ( are those not reasons why your partner choose you in the first place? ) and in that way help them to free themselves, the way you do.
When you would achieve those and any other transformations for yourself, you would be able to apply them for your partner and all, mostly without you making any effort.
When you would love yourself just for that, you’re, this would become enough to love your partner just for that she/he is.
This initiation, transformation comes to me at the moment when I was under the pressure of expecting too much from my self. Then I was pushing those expectations and blames on my Friends. Seeing them through compassion, understanding their conditioning and humanness, it helped me to look at myself with compassion, understanding and God-like Love.
Thank you mirrors <3 – it may work in another way when you see the power of reflection.
To support this text and Love Yourself essential subject of our teachings, we give you one of the most beautiful fragments of human cinematography. From Tantra Movement TV, Tantra nad Sexuality Youtube playlist, from the movie Angel-A – enjoy, get inspired, Love yourself and share the Love further ( with this video and text. )
It touched my heart again until I cried. – let it flow <3
Koh Phangan 15.X.2020
This is another fragment of my book “Conversations with God and Goddess within and outside.”
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