De-blocking and Full Body Orgasm Massage without touching weekend. Invitation with a lot of theory revealed.

[gedeeltelijke Nederlandse vertaling beneden]We are living in the times that revealing the information could contribute into saving the world, so as Tantra Movement School we continue to do this on every level possible. Here also in expanded , detailed invitation to this weekend. But remember Tantra it is very powerful tool. Always use it with good intentions otherwise it may turn against you and then you´re in troubles. Love and light <3


This Tantric Weekend is for all people who are willing to work together, so if you´re single you may still join.


~ from Friday
9.9.2016 19.00 till Sunday 11.9.2016 20.30
Il Cielo Oostzaanstraat 46 Amsterdam
Price and booking:
200 E per person, 380 E per couple. Amount of the free places at that moment is up to 6, so to make sure better to book quickly.
You could transfer the amount to Michal Grygoruk NL92TRIO0390212989 in Triodos ethical bank
Don’t hesitate to ask the questions ,

You may check updates share and invite your friends here:
Basic time schedule of the weekend
19.00 – 22.30 Intro open evening about the subject of the weekend . Theory and Practise
Saturday and Sunday:

11.00 – 12.00 Morning class ( Kunadalini Yoga, Osho Meditation or Tantra Kriya Yoga )

12.30 – 16.00 I workshop

16.00 – 17.00 Lunch break (vegan pot luck style)

17.00 – 20.30 II workshop

De-armouring workshop


What we are going to experience during this workshop is a massage, where by your partner pressing particular points you are brought to your limits of pain and then stay there. In this way we are getting rid of our emotional pain, our energetic pain, what we have been carrying sometimes all our life.
From our upbringing, society, parents, teachers, religion, through life we created protection – Armour – which was supposed to save us from the things that may hurt us. There’s nothing bad in having that armour, but unfortunately we have it all the time.
For example, some of us are still ashamed to be naked during lovemaking, or to express our passion or even our voice. We are holding back our behaviours, our emotions in the areas of life where it would be most appropriate to use them.
The process of ‘de-armouring’ can give us back the freedom of using or not using our armour, to use our protection when we when we want to. As with all tantric healings, it may heal us from emotional pain, liberate us from conditioning, and from bad past memories mainly connected to our sexuality, etc.

“I felt so light after, like on some LSD or ayahuasca trip, only this time I had everything under control because I felt being here and now like never before. I could feel much stronger all my senses but also energies around me, what before I was not even aware that they exist. It was painful to my limits, but it gave me sense of liberation and expanding my consciousness. I feel much more myself and free now. Amazing. – Salin ¨

De Blocking workshop:
Presentation where are the points and how to look for them.
Talking about the limits
Heart Salutation.
Looking for three most efficient, most triggering, most painful points
Staring the session from the most efficient point to the third efficient one. For each point we spent around 20 minutes for pressing and 5 minutes ( depends from energy of the group ) for moving the energy along the spine without touching the body.
Heart salutation

Motives and intentions of the workshop:
Learning about de armoring concept
Learning, exercising and exploring healing through releasing usually first physical, then emotional, then energetic pain.
Learning, exercising and exploring feeling the energy without touching when there is more openness for this
Removing the barriers from our beings what are holding us from living with our full potential, from enjoying life, love making, pleasure etc.
Healing our sexual traumas, past, resentments towards lovers or towards ways of making love…
Opening the senses from the limitations what before we didn´t even felt it
Learning, exercising and exploring giving love and staying together beyond happy soft moments but also in hard moments of healing, pain, vulnerability, emotions release etc.

Very important that we use only clear communication of the scale of the pain from 1 till 10. The expressions like: 7,5 or this is so painful, harder are very often the further questions: Does means is over the limits ? How much harder ? etc.
Its very important to realise that you´re doing it for the partner for her/his request, for healing, liberation and inner grow. The partner all the time is able to moderate the pain for softer pressure if she/he is not doing it it means clearly that she choose for the best effect for this session. Is up to you to be for her/him and support also mentally and emotionally the choice what she/he made. Of course could be hard, especially that we are conditioned ( not without good reasons, probably out of love ) to not to cause the pain and for sure not to our beloved, so maybe is good idea to see it also as mental removal of other condition and changing it into conscious choice.
Like with every massage but especially this one is important that the nails are cut shortly and timed smoothly. We don´t wanna cause wrong pain. When you are receiver and you still feel pain from the nail point it out by just saying “nail” , so it would be clear that something have to be done about it.
Especially when the weaker person is doing at the strong person, use your body weight to not get tired to easy. In case that your fingers will get tired change them but always warn the person about doing it. Because changing of energy it could be extremely painful. Also when your fingers are getting to weak consider using the knuckles or even the elbow. With the last one even more be sure about the location.
When the emotions are getting out, this time you don´t have to encourage the person verbally because you do it already by keeping the pressure at the points.
When you feel that the body physically is pushing your fingers out, that´s only reason to move the energy along the spine earlier.
At this level don´t think to much about how to move the energy and if the person feel it or not. We would go deeper in to it at the next workshop

Full Body Orgasm Massage without touching

This massage is based on energetic touch what doesn’t require physical touch. Still you may be able to bring the person to very deep full body energetic orgasm or if the body choose to deep energetic healing. This technique is also very useful in the cases when people are blocked for touch. I feel that nothing explain better than video with me as model of my teacher and student Flaviu Pop:

Full body orgasm without touching:
Presentation with showing all triggers and the movements of the energy.
Distorting and clearing aura
Exercising feeling the energy between the hands.
Exercising feeling of the finger tips
“Playing with the ball between the hands”
… between and on the body”
… between the participants”
Talking about the limits, no limits and intentions.
Heart Salutation
As always opening the massage ritual
Doing two 20-30 minutes sessions for each other sometimes with possibility of exchange the partners
As always closing the massage ritual
Heart Salutation

Motives and intentions of the workshop:
Learning, exercising and exploring feeling the energy without touching
Learning, exercising and exploring maybe the first Full Body Orgasm
When Body choose for healing giving it to the partner.
Learning, exercising and exploring different bodies in our being
Learning, exercising and exploring ecstasy beyond peak orgasm
Learning, exercising and exploring playing and moving the energies

Most important in tantra and especially in this workshop what we have to learn is that we set up intentions but we are not attached to any goals. It is very important that we don´t get frustrated that we, our partner doesn´t seem to feel anything. You don´t have to achieve anything here. Just let it be. When you set up the intentions and you do your best, doesn´t matter if you or your partner feel something, energy anyway will work for you in the best possible way at the moment. Do not think to much about what you have to do it etc. It only create barriers for energy flow. It flows better beyond mind understanding.
Accept that some of the people are more kinesthetic and for those feeling, reacting to touch of energetic body would be more difficult. Realise that even the best masters of it do not always “succeed” how you see it.
As more you practice than you feel it more and you more open for this.
Don´t forget to always ask receiver before you start to breath circularly. It bring their attention to here and now and it support the energy flow.
Use the triggers frequently but not to often. Remember that this suppose to be energetic touch massage 🙂
When the person seems to be to much in their head, consider to bring the energy downwards, when the person is very sexual bring the energy upwards. You generate energy best on the first chakra.
Use what works.
When the being decided for the healing through releasing the emotions support the process by stimulating the energy where it´s triggering the process ( could be the heart ). Pull out the energy ( threads ) out of the chakras where you feel there are blockages.
After 20-40 minutes consider to finish the session by bringing the energy upward and by holding the hand of the person. Very often she/he is in the deep bliss. Let her/him enjoy it as long that she wish. It´s really empowering experience. No need to break it. Especially when you´re the lover, make sure that first what she/he will see when she/he will open eyes would be your eyes with attended smile. It brings beautiful connection.

More videos “How to make Full Body Orgasm Without Touching Massage”  you may get for 30 Euro each or with your year Tantra Movement Membership for 150 Euro. With this membership you will get always the newest and final update of my book and many other practical videos and tips. On the left contacts, above, you may find links for transferring the money. Thank you 🙂

[gedeeltelijke Nederlandse vertaling ]
Deze workshop is voor koppels en / of mensen die bereid zijn om samen te werken, dus als je single bent je nog steeds meedoen.
Van Vrijdag 9.9.2016 19.00 tot Zondag 11.9.2016 20.30

Il Cielo Oostzaanstraat 46 Amsterdam
Prijs:200 Euro per persoon, 380 per koppel. Hoeveelheid vrije plaatsen op het moment is tot 6, dus zorg ervoor snel te boeken. Boeken voor september geeft je 10 Euro korting.
Je kunt het bedrag overmaken naar Michal Grygoruk NL92TRIO0390212989 in Triodos ethische bank
More about whole course you may find out here:
Voor vragen schroom niet te mailen naar [email protected]
Basis tijdschema van het weekend
19.00 -22.30 Intro open avond over het onderwerp van het weekend. Theorie en Praktijk
Zaterdag en Zondag:
11.00 – 12.00 Ochtendklas (Kundalini Yoga, Osho Meditatie of Tantra Kriya Yoga)
12.30 – 16.00 I workshop
16.00 – 17.00 Lunchpauze (vegan pot luck style)
17.00 – 20.30 II workshop

Wat we gaan ervaren tijdens deze workshop is een massage, waarbij je doordat je partner bepaalde punten indrukt tot je pijngrenzen wordt gebracht en dan daar blijft. Op deze manier komen we af van onze emotionele pijn, onze energetische pijn, die we soms ons hele leven hebben gedragen.

Door onze opvoeding, maatschappij, ouders, leraren, religie, door het leven hebben we bescherming –Schild – gecreëerd die bedoeld was om ons te beschermen tegen de dingen die ons pijn kunnen doen. Er is niets mis mee om dat schild te hebben, maar helaas hebben we het de hele tijd.

Bijvoorbeeld, sommigen van ons zijn nog steeds beschaamd om naakt te zijn tijdens het vrijen, of om onze passie of zelfs onze stem te uiten. We houden onze gedragingen, onze emoties terug in de levensgebieden waar het meest passend zou zijn om ze te gebruiken.

Het proces van ‘de-armouring’ kan ons de vrijheid terug geven van het gebruiken of niet gebruiken van ons schild, om bescherming te gebruiken wanneer we dat willen. Zoals met alle tantrische genezingen, kan het ons genezen van emotionele pijn, ons bevrijden van conditioneringen, en van slechte vroegere herinneringen die voornamelijk verbonden zijn met onze seksualiteit, etc.

Full Body Orgasm Massage zonder aanraking

Deze massage is gebaseerd op energetische aanraking die geen lichamelijke aanraking vereist. Toch kun je de persoon ermee naar een heel diep energetisch orgasme door het gehele lichaam brengen. Of, als het lichaam van de ontvanger daarvoor kiest, naar diepe energetische heling. Deze techniek is ook heel nuttig in de gevallen dat mensen geblokkeerd zijn voor aanraking. Ik voel dat niets het beter uitlegt dan de video met mij als model van mijn leraar en student Flaviu Pop:

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