Essence of Tantra Retreat in Spain

Spanish translation will appear here soon:

Friday 29.06.18:
18.00 – 21.30 Taste of Tantra open evening in some spiritual centre in Orgiva ( details soon )
For the people, who do not join whole retreat suggested donation 10 Euro 

Saturday 30.06.18:
8.30 – 10.00 Tantra Kriya Yoga
10.00 – 11.00 Breakfast break
11.00 – 14.30 Connecion
14.30 – 15.30 Lunch break
15.30 – 19.00 Love Communication
20.00 Sharing of the day

Sunday 01.07.18
8.30 – 10.00 Chakra Breathing Osho Meditation
10.00 – 11.00 Breakfast break
11.00 – 14.30 Introduction to Tantra Massage
14.30 – 15.30 Lunch break
15.30 – 19.00 Tantra Tool Box
20.00 – Sharing and closing ritual
In beautiful community in the nature near very spiritual small town in Alpujaras – Orgiva, Spain
29.06.18 – 01.07.18
200 Euro per person 350 per couple
Early bird before 17 June: 170 per person 320 per couple

Whole profit would go for building up, improving our retreat, cultural and spiritual centre in our community.
When you feel that price is too high for some reason and you feel to be on the event just contact us as soon as possible to find best solution. 

Price include vegan healthy food. We may advice you with accommodation in the neighbourhood

Ad 1: “Taste of Tantra” – Introduction to practise

In this introductory workshop we give small examples of simple safe exercises which you can continue practising later with your partner or on your own. Anyone following the instructions from this introduction may rapidly and dramatically improve her/his life. We let you have a taste of what tantra is, and what we teach as a whole course at the School of Tantra Movement.  A little bit of everything like for example:

– Theory; what tantra means to us and our practical use of it
– recognizing and training the PC muscle
– open communication
– Melting hugs
– Awakening the senses meditation
– Eye gazing


Ad 2: Connection

Nowadays, in modern times thankful technology we could contact each other even when we are thousands kilometres away. In the cities we are living so close to each other. Communication was never so fast. But still we are alienated like never before in human history. We never felt so lonely like now. Did we lost something on the way ?
This workshop is
to connect beyond capacity of mobile phones,
to build Friendship with big "F", deeper than making hundreds friends on facebook,
to feel Love with big "L" deeper than sending <3 through internet
to connect with real
nature beyond the discovery channel
To found what we lost, to find our deep nature, to connect with ourselves and other participants maybe deeper that you ever did even with your friends, with your family.
Tantra gives us tools to connect with all parts of you, connect with yourself, then connect with your partner, group, family, other people, animals, nature and whole universe. Beautiful slogan "We are one!" tantra is transforming from believe in to real experience. If you allow yourself to feel it, you would never be the same. You would never love in the same way.
That's why we choose this workshop in the beginning.

Communication of Love.


Do you know the tantric way of communicating? Do you know your and your partner's 'love language'? Do you know that when bodies are talking to each other they can easier find solutions, even in the areas of our life where there weren't any? Do you know body intelligence? Do you use it ? Do you know that we often 'talk' via emotions? Do you know that we often do not understand each other because we talk in different love languages and we're not even aware of it ?
Can you imagine how much you could improve your life and your relationship if you knew the answers to these questions?
In this workshop we will explore the answers to those and other questions. We will do exercises in tantric and body communication. We will do things to find out what your and your partner's love languages are, and then exercise using them.
Your life could become more understandable than ever before!

As always, just a few things that everyone should learn but unfortunately very few do :/

“Magic of Tantric Massage” Introduction to tantric massage
This workshop is composed in such a way that you can learn and feel what sacred touch is, so that you can allow healing energy of love into your body and life.

Mastering the art of giving and receiving tantric massage is opening us on many levels:
– It helps to recover energy
– Teaches us sacred touch
– Raise awareness of the body
– Is an Introduction to tantric sex
– Develops our potential for love.

It is not possible to mention all the benefits of tantric massage but first of all it is an experience of deep inner joy, bliss, cleansing, peace and ecstasy. It is the experience of being whole. We will mainly focus on the feelings in the body and not only on the techniques . First of all, we want to ensure that participants will experience touch, that they open up for receiving and giving on the body level, that they open up for feeling the pleasure of being a giver and receiver of a massage.

We want to go deep into the levels of feeling pleasure, bliss, and flow of the love energy. We want to free all the tension from our bodies, let them go away to make more space in the body, to make in the place of the blockages space for the flow of life energy.

Tantra Tool Box

At this workshop, we give the most efficient, most powerful, most beautiful and most lovely exercises, what may support you in your growth on all levels, in your relationship with yourself, with your partner and further on with whole universe. The idea is to empower your life in the best possible way. Especially when you take it home, your life would never be the same 😉  


Michal Kali Griks

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