Fwd: Tantra Movement Transformation

Wow – life on Koh Phangan is adventurous! Since our arrival…

Hi Love,

Wow – life on Koh Phangan is adventurous! Since our arrival three months ago a lot of beautiful things have happened. We also had to undergo some challenges – we had to move three times until we finally found our new Retreat Center.

Coco Villa Center

Our new "Coco Villa Center" is located in a beautiful, quiet and lush green environment of palm forests, trees and mountains. The perfect sorrounding for our Retreats! We would like to express our deep gratitude to you and thank all donors and helpers who support Tantra Movement and make our work possible.
See location and impressions…

Tantric Massage Retreats

At the Moment we are giving the third Retreat on Koh Phangan. It is so beautiful to experience the healing and growing of love with the people we work with! Together we can make our Vision come true: to spread unconditional love and make the world a more loving place.
Dates of upcoming Retreats:
24th of January and 14th of February – "Tantric Massage" Retreat
7th of march – "All Aspects of Love" Retreat
Now you can join us for 3, 5, 9 days or two weeks.
Check dates and infos for our upcoming Retreats…

New Website Design

Our work is progressing and we have completely redesigned our website. Everything is now easier to find and you get more impressions about our work. Visit Website…

Video about Tantric Massage

Michal gives a talk about Tantric Massage
We are very much looking forward to welcome you to one of our Retreats.
Spread love in the world!

Michal Kali Griks

Tantra Movement School introduces you to the path of tantric practice and lifestyle. It’s a way of deep experience, abandoning concepts, exchanging energy, gaining awareness and entering a true intimate relationship with yourself and others. It expands you to the deepest and highest levels of love and ecstasy through exploring all dimensions possible to you. From the place where you are, we support you on your journey of growing into your full potential.

We facilitate our workshops and retreats worldwide: during summertime you find us all over Europe, in beautiful and natural centres and spiritual festivals in Spain, Netherlands, Romania, Bulgaria and Germany. Every winter we give Tantra Retreats on the beautiful island of Koh Phangan.

We love to see you in one of our life-changing Retreats – join us!
If you have any questions, CONTACT US!

Our mailing address is:

Tantra Movement

Moo 5/13

Koh Phangan, Suratthani 84280


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24 March – 27 April 2025