I’m proud from my Sacred Sexuality. Next fragment of my book "Conversations with God and Goddess within and outside"

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After freeing myself from addiction to ejaculation, my new transformed Sacred Sexuality is one of my strongest potentials and talents. However, as lovemaking or self Love rituals, I see it as the most strong, powerful, lovely and spiritual practice. I experienced many of the methods and teachings what are available at such a cold spiritual market. I checked most of the types of yoga, and I chose Kundalini Yoga in the end, and I become even teacher of it.


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From all of this, in my opinion ( you may agree or not) nothing, I repeat NOTHING is even comparable to tantric sacred sexuality.

Lovemaking is not only sharing Love to myself and the partner
It’s not only nourishing the chakras
It’s not only being here and now
It’s not only one of the most profound form of meditation.
It’s not only the massage
It’s not only deep and efficient breathwork
It’s not only healing
It’s not only liberation from the conditionings what we didn’t choose for
It’s not only growing in Love
It’s not only expanding in ecstasy
It’s not only getting to know yourself and partners on many dimensions, bodies and levels
It’s not only a deep connection
It’s not only asanas
It’s not only sport
It’s not only fun and joy
It’s not only worshipping the goddess and god within and outside
It’s not only Sacred Sexuality as the deepest, closest, most intimate and most energizing expression of more and more unconditional Love

Lovemaking it is all of this and much, much more
Love is my religion. Don’t step on it, please!

With some of my lovers, I enjoyed lovemaking for hours. I can not see better ways of spending time. It brings such happiness, passion, power, connection and energy into life. It may help you to grow through so much in the relationship and within.

One of the best moments, in life, I remember, when my Beloved was looking with her smiling, happy eyes and knowing that I influenced that happiness. Could be something more sacred and spiritual?

From the contrary, one of the biggest hell what I experienced in my life is feeling, her pain, disappointment, wound and knowing that I influenced this. I went through a lot in my life, but this is worse from everything.

I teach about this to my students.

Anyway coming back to my sacred sexuality and my expression of it, when someone has an issue with this, it’s their issue. I’m not going to make it mine.
When they feel I may help them, they’re ready for this; I may do my best.

Yes and I feel making Love for hours, every day it is one of the most beautiful ways of spending life. It’s the best way to empower your life in any passion you live. My, it is sharing of this experience and guide others into it.
Through the healing, liberation, growing in Love, expanding in ecstasy. Aho!


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