Love Yourself Workshop and Ritual

Loving ourselves is the foundation of real love. Only when we love ourselves, we can truly love others.
When we feel good about our self, we will have the self-esteem needed to act in love towards another being.
To truly love ourselves may increase the chance of amplifying the love shared with our partners, family, animals, nature, the planet and the universe.

It has nothing to do with selfishness – rather with expanding love in a healthy and sustainable way!

What you would learn?

– How to express and respect each other boundaries and wishes
– One of the ways of tantric communication: Speaking from your heart Purposes of this workshop: – to recognize, learn, explore and experience the importance of loving ourselves on every level: body, emotional, intellectual, spiritual etc. – to show that is nothing wrong in touching our body, self-love, being naked ( or not 🙂 ) but even more, especially doing it in the tantric ways could be very healing, liberating, energizing and it is good as the exercise of bringing the energy up instead of losing it. – to get into more contact and communication with our bodies. – to break the taboo about talking about sexuality, emotions etc. – to explore and exercise that our body is a temple, what we should take care of respect, listen and worship.

What you may Experience?

– We will receive ritual
– Healing may occur.
– Ecstasy-like never before – may happen
– Healing of your sexuality, past traumas, blockages
– Love
– Friendship
– Connection
Your life would never be the same

By who?
Michal Kali Griks – Founder of Tantra Movement
Michal dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of Tantra. When he discovered Tantra eleven years ago, it completely changed his life. He followed his heart and completed several trainings in Tantra and Kundalini Yoga, including the Rasayana Academy in the Netherlands.

For seven years he has been sharing his enormous knowledge of Tantra and Yoga and passing on his enthusiasm, love and experience in his retreats. Since he started to train teachers as well, the Tantra Movement Team is growing – and so is our love through which we aspire to make the world a more beautiful and loving place. Join us on this journey!
Costs / Contribution:

Early Bird. 1 week before the course
70 USD per person
120 USD per couple

Normal Price:
100 USD per person
170 USD per couple

Whenever this would be really too much and you would really like to join, do not hesitate to find a solution with us
Tantra Movement Coco Villa Center // Koh Phangan // Sri Thanu
Check our website for more info:
and do not hesitate to ask the questions
Michal Kali Griks (FB)

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