Michal Kali Griks 42nd birthday. Celebrating Live <3

Yes. It's my birthday. Entering another 7th year of period in life. I'm shifting into some changes already 🙂
Celebrate this important time with me, my Friend <3

From 15.00 till around 16.00, I would share the Tantra Kriya Yoga session, one of the most powerful, connecting and energizing practice.

Then we enjoy some abundance of vegan pot luck food, ecstatic music, dance. company of Friends, "reunion of students", maybe some live music, perhaps some performances (Yes, you're more than welcome to shine your beauty 😉 )

At 19.00, we start the fire and Tantric Circle with Heart Sharing on the subject: how we can better share Love.

After this, you feel free to hang around till about 9.30

The whole event is free.

Your presence, dear Friend, would make me very happy 🙂

When you want to share some birthday gift, I would go for the ecologic one, for example, you may bring some fruit plant to create our garden.

When you bring some fruits or other vegan mniammmy things to share in the pot luck style, it would be nice <3

Wish to see many of you here. I love you!

Bring your Friends, tell others. Your Friends are my Friends
Everyone is welcome <3
Michal Kali Griks

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