Vegan Tantra Retreat in Thailand

Hallo lovely people !
I´m Michal Kali Griks. I graduated Tantra Trainer and Masseur level at Rasayana Tantra Academy in Netherlands. I teach tantra since 5 years. I´m vegan since 8 years.
We would like to invite you to tantra workshop and retreat to show this deep connection what tantra have with veganism.
introduction in Thursday, 9 march from 16.00 – 19.30
and whole retreat is from Friday 10.00 – Sunday 20.00
Why vegans could benefit from tantra and why tantra practitioners could benefit from being vegan ?
What does tantra have to do with veganism?
It´s all about connection.
This beautiful believe “We are all one”, tantra is transforming into a real experience. Through tantric love-making, massage or just exercise, we may feel one, within ourselves, as well as with our partner, with other people, animals, nature and the whole universe. When we feel everything as a part of us and ourself as a part of everything, it´s natural that, we would like  to create just happiness and not pain or sadness.
It´s all about energy
Physically, through tantra, we may generate an enormous energy, by making love even whole night. We bring that energy up instead of losing it through peak orgasm and finishing tired after less than 10 minutes (in avarage). This great energy we may use to create more happiness in our own life and the lives of others. With this deeper felling of connectedness, we are also able to feel pain of animals, abused women, hungry children etc… We like to use this beautiful and powerful energy to stop all of this and especially by to not cause it ourselves.
That´s unconditional love beyond limits. Share it !

This workshop/retreat is an introduction to this concept. You will hear a little more about theory and learn some of the basic and most efficient for rest of you life
Singles and couples are welcome!¨

Like on every of our activities we require from you to eat vegan at least for the time of practise
We will give you Tantra yoga morning classes.
During breaks we create together delicious vegan meal in the pot luck style ( everyone brings something )


For introduction: 200 BHT

For retreat
Couple only 1900 BHT, Single 1000 BHT
But remember that in TMS we treat money as tool not as barrier so we would always find solution


Near Srithanu, Koh Phangan Thailand

For more details, booking etc. do not hesitate to ask

PS: here is our tantra vegan flyer:

Michal Kali Griks and Alina Simuleac

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