Yoni Massage Explanation by Michal Kali Griks. Rainbow. Slovenia 2016

This is my Full Moon gift for you and for whole humanity 🙂 https://youtu.be/iikDzHHqHMg Care and share <3

Yoni and lingam massages are used in different ways in other types of tantric massage.
There many important reasons for massaging the genitals.
Thankful yoni and lingam massage you may explore much higher types of orgasm and ecstasy than typical peak orgasm, what you may compare as kindergarten to university 🙂

Beside being a great source of pleasure, yoni massage can be a great source of healing for woman. There are many points where past memories are stored, along with emotional pain, conditioning, prejudices, anxieties, fears, angers, etc. Most of them are highly connected to our sexuality.

Lingam massage, especially when done in the neo tantric way, gives men a great opportunity to learn, exercise and experience the receiving part of his being. This, together with bringing upward energy and ecstasy, can open his heart – something very much needed in today’s world not only by men but by women (as well as for more beautiful lovemaking).

It’s not common known that the yoni and lingam are the most reflexologically active zones in the human body. By stimulating its different parts we are bringing health to all
parts of the body.

This is why for me, one of the most important aspects of Neo Tantric Massage is to do it from the heart.

Purposes of this workshop:
6th Full Body part
a) learning, exploring and exercising the structure of Neo Tantric Massage
b) learning, exploring and exercising different strokes
c) –—- II –————-II————-I
d) preparing for 7th and 8th part, including yoni and lingam participant
Purposes of this workshop:
7th Full Body part + yoni
a) b) c) the same like in 6th part ( look above )
d) exploring, learning and exercising anathomy of the yoni and energies and blockages therefore
e) healing, releasing emotions from g-spot or other triggering points
f) for man to be a servant, giver and a healer.
g) even maybe exploring and experiencing different energies, orgasms and ecstasies ( it´s not a goal but just intention )
Purposes of this workshop:
8th Full Body part + lingam
a) b) c) the same like in 6th part ( look above )
d) for man: learning to receive
e) learning, exploring and exercising bringing the energy up instead of loosing it
f)  for both learning and exercising detachment from erection, goal orientation and realizing that you may have ecstasy without erection
g) even maybe exploring and experiencing different energies, orgasms and ecstasies ( it´s not a goal but just intention )

Testimony from couple
…I also, want to thank you for your teachings, for being on our WAY . They’ve opened new gates, new paths, a totally new connection with my husband. Now we can see clearly that our path is the path of love in togetherness, where we can heal oneself and each other from the conditioning of the past. Now we can  shining the light of LOVE. WE FEEL BLESSED and Loved and Amazing Beings! We also find these days in School Of Tantra Movement deepen our knowledge . It was calling me for some time…but now it’s happening:)). Thank you again for being in our WAY! Hugs and love and life to you ! Our child says Hello!
XXX 05.06.2015

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