Massage what I offer may be called tantric, intuitive, flow massage. Depends on the needs, I’m mixing in it techniques like Sexual Tao massage, Kundalini massage, Tibetan Pulsing massage, Kashmiri massage, Kum Nye massage and others.
Basically every type of the massage what I teach I may give you on the private session.
“Magic of Tantric Massage” – Introduction to tantric massage
Kashmiri Dance Massage
Tantric Massage within a relationship
Breathing in Shiva Shakti position
Neo Tantric Massage
Full Body Orgasm Massage without touching
Heart opening, Breast Massage Ritual
Detailed description you may find it here. Just notice that they”re written intentionally for the course, so you have to “translate them in your head” into the private session circumstances
And my speciality is: Tantra Movement Massage
70 Euro per hour
3 hours are recommended
1,5 hour is an optimal minimum
Do not hesitate to make an appointment or to ask further questions.
Michal Kali Griks (FB)
phone (+66)921358296 but please never talk to a voicemail – better use sms, email or call me later